European University of the Seas “SEA-EU”
The representatives of six European universities signed the declaration on the intention to collaborate within the framework of the EU’s Erasmus+ funding programme (Key Action 2 – ‘European Universities’) for setting up of the European University of the Seas “SEA-EU“.
Alongside the University of Gdansk, the SEA-EU consortium consists of Universidad de Cádiz (Cadiz, Spain) – the Coordinator, Sveučilište u Splitu (Split, Croatia); Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest, France); Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Kiel, Germany); L-Università ta’ Malta (Valetta, Malta). The University of Gdansk was represented by Professor Krzysztof Bielawski, Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with Business and Industry.
The idea of encouraging emergence of ‘European Universities’ was initiated by Member States, the Council and the European Commission. The objective is to establish around twenty ‘European Universities’ by 2024. They will consist in bottom-up networks of universities across the EU which will enable students to obtain a degree by combining studies in several EU countries and contribute to the international competitiveness of European universities.
The key activities of ‘European Universities’ include:
- a shared, integrated, long-term joint strategy for education with, where possible, links to research and innovation and society at large
- a European higher education inter-university ‘campus‘
- European knowledge-creating teams (“challenge-based approach”) of students and academics
- exchange of good practices.