Maritime Technology Center – Cluster Members’ B2B Meeting

Baltic Sea & Space Cluster members’ business meeting was held at the Maritime Technology Center in 22 May.

Established in 1982 Maritime Technology Center (Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej JSC) has extensive competences and experiences in designing, constructing, supplying and maintaining the integrated systems in the area of naval and civilian maritime technologies, and particularly as far as command, data analysis and processing, communication, naval vessels and underwater systems are concerned. Based on modern research-technical and production facilities, CTM delivers and develops its solutions thanks to continuous research, development and implementation works. Participation in national and foreign R&D programmes is the key activity of the Center, including for EDA and NATO – informed Marcin Wiśniecki, Memebr of the Board, CTM.


The research center representatives spoke about the scientific and business activity of the Maritime Technology Center. Research laboratories were presented. The newest command systems, systems for defenses and defenses for the coast have been shown.