TransNav 2019 – 12 to 14 June 2019 in Gdynia, Poland

Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in the 13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation TransNav 2019, which will be held from 12 to 14 June 2019 (Wednesday-Friday) in Gdynia, Poland. The Conference is jointly organized by the Faculty of Navigation of the Gdynia Maritime University and The Nautical Institute.
We are interested in problems related to Sea Transportation and each form of Navigation, especially to Marine Navigation, Inland Navigation, Pilot Navigation, Under Water Navigation, Land Navigation, Indoor Navigation, Urban Navigation, Personal Navigation, Underground Mine Navigation, Astro Navigation, Aeronautical Navigation, Air Navigation, Satellite Navigation, Deep Space Navigation, Green Navigation, Ice Navigation, Arctic Navigation, Polar Navigation, Tactical Navigation, Integrated Navigation, Alternate Navigation, Inertial Navigation, Autonomous Navigation, Multi-Sensor Navigation, Cognitive Navigation, Terrestrial Navigation, Radio Navigation, Radar Navigation, Electronic Navigation, and e-Navigation.
The focus of International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation TransNav is high-quality, scholarly research that addresses development, application and implications, in the field of maritime education and training (MET), nautical science, maritime safety management, maritime policy sciences, maritime industries, marine environment and energy technology. Subjects of papers include telecommunications, electronics, robotics, computer engineering, astronomy, mathematics, GNSS, geodesy, GIS, cartography, hydrography, meteorology, command and control, psychology, operational research, maritime traffic engineering, risk analysis, theoretical physics, operation in hostile environments, instrumentation, mechanical engineering, ergonomics, port and ocean engineering, financial planning and law. Also of interest are logistics, transport and mobility. The conference provides a forum for transportation researchers, scientiscts, engineers, navigators, ergonomists, and policy-makers with an interest in maritime researches. Additionally special session on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) research will be organized.
The Conference will be held in Gdynia, the one of the youngest Polish cities, which is reflected in its appearance and atmosphere. Its bustling centre and harbour are visited mainly in the summer, due to its maritime location and the long sandy beaches. Throughout the entire year, it plays the role of one of Poland’s major seaports and a major shipbuilding area. Apart from the shipyard, Gdynia is a thriving centre of business, boasting the status of the most prosperous Polish city. Its close vicinity to two other towns, Gdansk and Sopot, which together form an urban agglomeration, helps to develop commercial activity.
On the website you can find the <> First
Announcement. We are waiting for your registartioin. Our gate is still open. You can use the Conference Website: < >
Please reserve your time to visit us next week and do not forget to inform your colleagues about our Conference. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: <>
Could you mark the TransNav dates in your calendar? Absolutly, please do it today.
We expect more than 250 participants from more than fifty countries around the world. And what abou you?
A detailed Conference Program is presented at our website.
Best regards
Prof. Adam Weintrit,
Conference Chairman