The port of Gdynia is a dual-purpose port

The Port of Gdynia, a dual-purpose port, was joined by the Standing…

TransNav 2019 – 12 to 14 June 2019 in Gdynia, Poland

the 13th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation TransNav 2019 will be held from 12 to 14 June 2019 (Wednesday-Friday) in Gdynia, Poland. The Conference is jointly organized by the Faculty of Navigation of the Gdynia Maritime University and The Nautical Institute.

Mediation – the specifics of dispute settlement in the maritime economy

Mediation - the specifics of dispute settlement in the maritime economy - it was a subject of the conference in Gdańsk in 6 June.

Industry 4.0 – future’s economy. Experiences of Polish and Bavarian entrepreneurs

Industry 4.0 - future's economy  - it was the subject of the conference of the Polish and Bavarian entrepreneurs.

Koło Naukowe SimLE z zwyciężyło w konkursie Czerwonej Róży

Statuetkę Czerwonej Róży i stypendium w wysokości 12 tys. zł w kategorii koło naukowe otrzymało Międzywydziałowe Koło Naukowe SimLE, które w finale pokonało siedem kół z pomorskich uczelni.

Święto Morza 2019 w Gdyni

Program Święta Morza 2019 21 czerwca 10:00, 12:00,…

Nagroda Naukowa Prezesa Polskiej Agencji Kosmicznej dla absolwenta Wydziału Elektrycznego UM

Kapituła Konkursowa Nagrody Naukowej Prezesa Polskiej Agencji…

Safety E(i)nsured – Polish Ship Managers Association Meeting

The X General Meeting and the Xth Information and Promotion Meeting of the Polish Ship Managers Association were held on May 23rd in DNV GL Office in Gdynia.

Cador Consulting – Cluster Members’ B2B Meeting

The Cluster members were informed about the latest IT tools and programs and technologies of ship design, their production, conversion and repairs of ships. About the rules of the Teamcenter Shipbuilding talked  Grzegorz Kozłowski, vice president and Łukasz Piasecki, marketing director, Cador Consulting.


Conference participants focused on the presentation of research results on air transport, road transport and solutions in the organization of urban transport. The advantages and threats of the development of ecological transport, including electromobility were discussed.