Market testing announcement for the Outer Port Project in the Port of Gdynia

Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. is pleased to announce the launch of a market test of private partners and financial institutions for the purpose of the planned project named “Construction of the Outer Port in the Port of Gdynia” under the Public-Private Partnership scheme.

This project is a strategic investment of the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A., enlisted in the Polish government’s Seaports Development Programme. The project involves the construction of a new deep-sea port terminal together with a container terminal with an annual transshipment capacity of 2.5 million TEU. The new facility will enable oceanic Baltimax size container ships to dock in the port.

The estimated capital expenditures for the Outer Port total EUR 787 million. The project is scheduled for completion by 2028.

The preferred scheme of project delivery is the Private-Public Partnership, with the private partner:

  • designing and building the project infrastructure;
  • financing the design and construction expenditures;
  • maintaining and operating the infrastructure built or part thereof; in this regard, demand level risk might possibly be shifted onto the private partner and a payment mechanism based on revenues from the operation and management of the terminal might be implemented.

It is one of the largest PPP project planned for implementation in the near future in Poland.
