A meeting on the demand for solutions related to the GALATEA project was held at the Port of Gdynia Authority on 28 July. The meeting was hosted by Maciej Krzesiński, Marketing and International Cooperation Director, Port of Gdynia Authority.  The idea and main goals of the GALATEA project in the area of SMART PORT were presented by Marek Grzybowski, project manager of the Polish part of the GALATEA project.  The meeting was attended by representatives of the Port of Gdansk, the Port of Gdynia, the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, the Baltic Port of New Technologies, the BSSC Cluster Board and Jowita Zielinkiewicz, President of the Pomeranian Intelligent Specialization ISP1 – offshore and port and logistics technologies.


GALATEA (Grow and AcceLerate your smArt projecTs in nEw value chAins of the European Blue Economy), a project funded by the European Union under its INNOSUP-1 programme, was launched in June 2020 giving continuity to the successful project NEPTUNE which ended in December 2018.

GALATEA brings together the cooperation and experiences of 7 ICT, aerospace and maritime cluster and 1 research and technology organisation from 5 European countries: France, Greece, Romania, Poland and Spain. The project will run for 30 months until November 2022 under de coordination of Pôle Mer Méditerranée.

The overall objective is to develop new cross-sectoral and cross-borders value chains supporting innovative SMEs to foster the development of Blue Growth key industries in Europe. This development will be driven by the integration of technologies and know-how from aerospace and ICT sectors, to the following domains: ports, ships, shipyards and maritime surveillance.

To reach this objective, GALATEA will follow a three phases approach:

GALATEA will receive €3,67 million from the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission of which 79% will be dedicated to the support of SMEs through direct financial support (€2,18 million), services provided by GALATEA partners and other activities organized by the project. GALATEA expects to support at least 100 European SMEs for the innovation of products or processes, development of large-scale demonstrators or markets extension.


Mr. Colin RUEL, Coordinator +33 (0)4 94 03 89 03

Mrs. Nerea ROJAS, Communication contact +34 945 10 80 88

Poland: Marek GRZYBOWSKI, +48 505050179


GALATEA consortium:

Pôle Mer Méditerranée – Toulon Var Technologies (France); Aerospace Valley (France); Corallia Clusters Initiative/Research Center Athena (Greece); Asociación Clúster de Movilidad y Logística de Euskadi (Spain); Fundació Eurecat (Spain); Catalan Water Partnership (Spain); Asociatia Cluj IT (Romania); Baltycki Klaster Morski i Kosmiczny (Poland)