GALATEA Blue Growth Accelerator selects and supports 9 innovative projects led by SMEs across Europe.
It is a great success for the second GALATEA Blue Growth Accelerator Call for vouchers with 74 projects submitted by innovative SMEs across 5 European countries.Newslette#4 V2
This call aims to support the development of innovative cross-sectoral and cross-border technologies, services or products addressing the 22 challenges identified in 4 key Blue Growth domains: Smart Port, Smart Ship, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance.
After two intense months of joint evaluation operated by the GALATEA consortium partners and associated experts, the results have been announced to the applicants.
19 selected SMEs will get direct financial support from the voucher scheme (1.018.900€ in total) to undertake development and technology transfer activities, prototyping projects, and large-scale demonstration projects that aim to tackle challenges related to energy, logistics, environment, digitalisation, service development, security and manufacturing.
With the fostering of GALATEA’s personalized support and funding on up to 12 months, the beneficiary SMEs will implement their project and present an output answering to the project’s challenges.
The funded projects are distributed by country as follows: 31% France, 31% Spain, 16% Greece, 16% Romania and 6% Poland.
More info: Newslette#4 V2