Code of Conduct at Sea and in Space CONFERENCE – 22 września 2022 na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UG

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Code of Conduct at Sea and in Space: Rules and principles for sociotechnological resilience in sea and space   

współorganizowaną przez Komisję Nauk Kosmicznych PAN, Bałtycki Klaster Morski i Kosmiczny oraz Uniwersytet Gdański

która odbędzie się 22 września 2022 roku  na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk – Department of Public International Law in cooperation with the Commission of Space Sciences and Baltic Sea and Space Cluster is pleased to invite you to the Conference entitled

 Code of Conduct at Sea and in Space:  Rules and principles for sociotechnological resilience in sea and space

which is held at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk (auditorium C) and online

9:00–9:30 Registration of participants




Rector of the University of Gdańsk

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration


Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Wrochna – President of the Polish Space Agency


Prof. dr hab. Edmund Wittbrodt

Mechanics and Machine Design Institute

Gdańsk University of Technology


Prof. UG, dr hab. Adam Wiśniewski

Chair of the Department of Public International Law


Prof. Em. UMG Marek Grzybowski,

President of the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster


Panel I: “Young Stars”  Moderator:   dr hab. Adam Wiśniewski, prof. U.G.

10:00–10:15   Wraki morskie a wraki kosmiczne – czy prawo kosmiczne może poszukiwać rozwiązań problemu szczątków   kosmicznych w prawie morskim?

                        mgr Kamil Muzyka (Polish Academy of Sciences)

10:15–10:30   Star Warfares: Colonialism strikes back “Challenges of Space Law in the context of the  exploration of celestial bodies”

Robert Nowecki (University of Warsaw)

10:30–10:45  “Space debris regulations – blessing or a curse?”   Milena Kruszewska (University of Gdańsk)


10:45-11:00       Tacit acceptance – Julia Lidzbarska

Panel II: Expert session – Moderator:  Marek Grzybowski, Phd., Prof. Em. UM Gdynia

11:45–12:00  Quantum technology and the safety of offshore wind farms – prof. dr hab. Marcin Pawłowski (International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies, University of Gdansk)

12:00–12:15  Centrum Techniki Okrętowej – Maritime Advanced Research Centre – Experience, Potential and  Activity in the Wind Offshore Business

                        Leszek Wilczyńsk (Research & Development Director – Board Representative for Quality System   Management)

12:15–12:30    Polish Register of Shipping – Experience, Potential and Activity in Naval  Ships Technical Spervision –  Grzegorz Pettke (Ship Division Director, Polish Register of Shipping)

12:30–12:45   Precise Satellite Positioning in Maritime Infrastructure Inspection – Maciej Lang (IHO cat. A Hydrographic Surveyor Echogram s.c.)

12:45–13:00   Blockchain as data trust layer for the space industry, Krzysztof Radecki, CTO at DAC.DIGITAL

13:00–13:15    The importance of satellite technologies for informational security. Experience gained from the conflict in Ukraine Mateusz Dyrda ( Vice president of the Institute of Information Security, expert in satellite technologies, Wojciech Zawadzki (CEO Institute of Information Security) 

Panel III: Scientific session – Moderator: dr Paweł Chyc


14:00–14:15               Procedura milczącej zgody (tacit acceptance)

prof. dr hab. Zdzisław Brodecki


14:15–14:30               The principle of peaceful purposes of marine scientific research and of the scientific research                 conducted in outer space – wishful thinking or reality?

dr Joanna Rezmer (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń)


14:30–14:45  Chinese Approach to Outer Space: An International Law Perspective

                        dr Magdalena Łągiewska (University of Gdańsk)


14:45–15:00               Prospects for the Institutionalization of Outer Space Exploration and Exploitation through the                  Structures of the United Nations

                mgr Patryk Bukowski (University of Warsaw)


15:00–15:15    Discussion


15.15–15.30  Concluding remarks and closing of the conference