TransNav 2023 – 15th Jubilee International Conference on “Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation”

It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in 15th Jubilee International Conference on “Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation” TransNav 2023, which will be held from 21 to 23 June 2023 (Wednesday-Friday) in Gdynia, Poland. The Conference is jointly organized by the Faculty of Navigation of the Gdynia Maritime University and The Nautical Institute.

An electronic version of the paper in English shall be submitted at website in MS Word and PDF format. Paper prepared according to easy editorial instruction should be sent to the Conference Office. The paper will be formatted according to TransNav Journal format by the TransNav team. The official deadline for paper submission is 1st April 2023.

The conference fee for participants with the paper presentation will be 600 Euro. If you resign from active participation in the conference, the fee for the article to be published in the TransNav Journal will be 450 Euro.

Papers will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Programme Committee. Qualified papers submitted on time will be published in subsequent issues of the quarterly TransNav, The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation ( in years 2023-2024 (in March, June, September and December issues). This journal is indexed by the following services: Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection – Emerging Sources Citation Index, EBSCOhost, Directory of Open Access Journals, TRID Database, Index Copernicus Journals Master List and others.

The reviewed texts of articles together with reviewers comments will be dispatched to authors for possible changes and modifications, if any. A conference fee is required for the article to be published. To avoid any problem the best idea is to transfer conference fee before 1st May.

The full papers will be peer-reviewed before acceptance, to maintain the quality of the final publication in order to meet the requirements of the academic and research community. This Conference will rely on its Committees as the main contributing body to the review process and acceptance of papers.

We are interested in problems related to each form of Navigation, especially to Marine Navigation, Inland Navigation, Pilot Navigation, Under Water Navigation, Land Navigation, Indoor Navigation, Urban Navigation, Personal Navigation, Precise Navigation, Astro Navigation, Aeronautical Navigation, Air Navigation, Satellite Navigation, Deep Space Navigation, Green Navigation, Ice Navigation, Arctic Navigation, Polar Navigation, Weather Navigation, Tactical Navigation, Integrated Navigation, Alternate Navigation, Inertial Navigation, Autonomous Navigation, Multi-Sensor Navigation, Cognitive Navigation, Terrestrial Navigation, Radio Navigation, Radar Navigation, Electronic Navigation, and e-Navigation

The focus of International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation Transnav is high-quality, scholarly research that addresses development, application and implications, in the field of maritime education and training (MET), nautical science, maritime safety management, maritime policy sciences, maritime industries, marine environment and energy technology. Subjects of papers include telecommunications, electronics, robotics, computer engineering, astronomy, mathematics, GNSS, geodesy, GIS, cartography, hydrography, meteorology, command and control, psychology, operational research, maritime traffic engineering, risk analysis, theoretical physics, operation in hostile environments, instrumentation, mechanical engineering, ergonomics, port and ocean engineering, financial planning and law. Also of interest are logistics, transport and mobility. The conference provides a forum for transportation researchers, scientists, engineers, navigators, ergonomists, and policy-makers with an interest in maritime researches.

On the website you can find the First Announcement. The Conference Website: is open now. We are waiting for and your registration and submission of the camera-ready papers.

Could you mark the TransNav dates in your calendar? Absolutely, please do it today.

If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards
Prof. Adam Weintrit,
Chairman of TransNav Conference
Rector of Gdynia Maritime University
Editor-in-Chief of TransNav Journal