The tentative program of the 16th Annual International Conference on Global Studies: Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects, 19-22 December 2022, Athens, Greece is now available at: Participants from 20 different countries have confirmed their participation. You are more welcome to participate as a presenter or attendee. We accept both remote (online or pre-recorded) and onsite participation.
The Education Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research in collaboration with the Georgia State University (USA) organized a study abroad program, 18-26 November 2022. 35 graduate and undergraduate students participated. The program included visits to three public primary schools with active participation in the schools’ program, a couple of speeches by the principals and open discussion with the staff and students, speeches by government bodies (Mayor of the Municipality of Vrilissia, etc.), five lectures by Academic Faculty, an educational urban walk of downtown Athens (included Parthenon visit) and a visit to the Delphi Oracle. The full program is available at:
The Greek government is exploring the opportunity to support “digital nomads” to choose Greece as their temporary-seasonal or permanent place. They plan to issue long stay visas for countries outside the European Union. This idea of openness is at the heart of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) since its establishment in 1995. We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to design a program of “Digital Academic Nomads” for our members or friends. Grzybowski Grzybowski2022-12-02 08:16:422022-12-02 08:16:42Athens Institute for Education and Research Newsletter No. 15, November 2022