T3 is increasing the handling capacity of Baltic Hub to 4.5 million TEUs

Baltic Hub launch of construction of T3 terminal
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Marek Grzybowski – Correspondence especially for eBlue Economy

At the Port of Gdansk The construction of the T3 deepwater quay at the Baltic Hub container terminal has officially begun. Terminal T3 will be built entirely on water. The terminal will be adjacent to the T1 terminal. Construction is due to be completed in spring 2024.

The ceremonial launch of the T3 construction, the third deep-water quay in the Port of Gdańsk, with the participation of Marek Gróbarczyk, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure, took place on 28 November 2022.

– Until 10 years ago, Poland was not a significant country in container handling  –  said Marek Gróbarczyk, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Government Plenipotentiary for Maritime Affairs. Today we are starting a historic investment to build the largest container port. I think that this is not the last word, as the Baltic Hub’s development plans are ambitious.

  • With the construction of the new terminal, known as “Baltic Hub 3”, a third deep-water quay located at the new port area will be created, increasing the handling capacity of DCT Gdańsk by 1.5 million TEUs, to 4.5 million TEUs. The investment is worth Euro 470 million, and the third deep-water quay will be 717-metre-long with a depth of 18.0m and 36 hectares of yard will be built – informed Charles Baker, Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board.
  • This investment is part of the development program of the Port of Gdansk – said Lukasz Greinke, President of the Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A.
  • More: eBlueEconomy “Baltic Hub 3”