Economist Impact – Ocean acidification – February 2nd 2023, 2:00 PM JST
Ocean acidification will have disastrous effects to livelihoods if left unchecked–the consequences will be both ecological and economic.
Join us online for Ocean acidification: a crisis in the making, an event featuring two exciting live panel discussions and a film screening from 2:00 – 5:20pm JST.
Ocean health and climate change are inextricably linked: as CO2 becomes more concentrated in the atmosphere, it also builds up in the seas. The result, ocean acidification, will have disastrous effects to livelihoods if left unchecked. Already, coastal industries such as fishing and aquaculture are being hurt. Natural assets such as biodiversity and coral reefs are threatened.
Date: Thursday February 2nd 2023
Time: 2:00 – 5:20pm JST (1:00 – 4:20pm SGT), Online
Film screening: The threat bubbling up
15 minutes
As carbon emissions change the chemistry of the seas, ocean acidification threatens marine life and human livelihoods. How worried should you be about climate change’s so-called “evil twin”?
Panel 1 – pH 7: de-acidifying our oceans
55 minutes
This expert panel will discuss the current state of ocean acidification, spell out what’s at stake for the marine ecosystem and the communities on land that depend on it, and address the challenges that we face in bringing this issue to the fore of the global agenda.
Panel 2 – Mitigating ocean acidification along the coastlines of Japan
1 hour
Much of the socio-economic life of Japan depends on the well-being of the ocean and marine ecosystems that surround the islands. However ocean acidification poses an alarming threat to these industries.
This expert panel will deep-dive into the issue of ocean acidification in Japan and provide actionable insights and policy recommendations to save our oceans and help create a sustainable future. |
We hope that you will be able to join us. Should you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact us at