Minister of Education and Science scholarships for outstanding young scientists from the Gdynia Maritime University
Four employees of the Maritime University of Gdynia received prestigious scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity in 2022 and in January 2023. Dr. Eng. Agnieszka Lazarowska, dr inż. Pawel Dąbrowski, Ph.D. Eng. Mariusz Specht and Dr. Eng. Paweł Górecki were among 215 young scientists from all over Poland who were awarded these scholarships. They are the first beneficiaries in the history of the University.
Assistant professor at the Department of Ship Automation at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Gdynia Maritime University.
Assistant professor at the Department of Geodesy and Oceanography at the Faculty of Navigation of the Maritime University of Gdynia.