Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and SimLE student science club meeting

The meeting of the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster project team with representatives of the SimLE student science club took place on April 24, 2023. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Igor Rusiecki represented of SimLE. BSSC was represented by: Marek Grzybowski, Krzysztof Anzelewicz, Michał Igielski, Zdzisław Długosz. The meeting was also attended by Maximilian Minta, CEO, NEPTUN Studio. The meeting was also attended by Zaneta Kłostowska, editor of and representing the Hydrogen Technology Cluster.

BSSC supports students who develop their design passions and proposes positioning their ideas in international projects and projects implemented for business. The cluster supports students in shortening their path to acting in business that creates innovative projects.

– The BSS Cluster Pentagon Helix HUB integrates the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supports social initiatives, local governments and administration, develops investor relations in the maritime and space industry. BSSC integrates technological, legal and economic solutions at the scientific, business and social level – informed Marek Grzybowski, president of the BSSC.

– We believe that practical engineering activities from the concept to the implementation and implementation of the solution are the most effective way to prepare students for their future professional or scientific career. The task of our Scientific Circle is to create teams and equip them with means to solve interesting engineering problems – said Marcin Jasiukowicz, Vice President  SimLE.

Companies have programs that support innovative ideas and work of students – said Żaneta Kłostowska.

Neptun Studio was created as a result of the commercialization of innovative ideas and solutions in the field of IT and AI – said Maxymilian Minta.

Baltic Sea and Space Cluster specialized research teams operate within six Hubs, which brings together 60 Polish innovative companies. There are currently six Hubs: ICT & AI, construction of zero-emission ships – ZEVInnovation, design and construction of installations producing green energy – GreenTech, scientific-research, legal-financial and educational. All hubs bring together around 60 companies, research centers and R&D units. They cooperate with a group of approximately 2,300 cooperators, companies specializing in the design and implementation of innovative marine and space technologies, research and development, education and professional training for maritime industries. For over a dozen years the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster (BSSC) has been supporting innovations and development in the field of research, entrepreneurship, administration and local government, which are related to the Baltic Sea Region and the world ocean.

More than 50 GUT students are actively involved in technical projects implemented by SimLE, who are supported by representatives of other Tri-City universities. The technical design department takes care of our ideas from drawing the first sketches to screwing in the last screw. Marcin Jasiukowicz and Magdalena Sadowska, GUT Gdańsk, SimLE Stardust were awarded by the jury of the ‘Young Stars’ competition during the conference Safe Planet & Space Conference – IO PAN – SOPOT – March 23th, organised by IO PAN with the Baltic Sea and Space Cluster and Commission of Space Sciences PAN GDAŃSK.

Research and development projects as well as joint investments for hydrogen economy are the Cluster’s key missions. Its members are cooperating in the fields of information exchange, building economic connections, services and technologies. Cluster establishes broad cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and other cluster networks and conducts educational and promotional activities as well.

Today the cluster develops in the Pentagon Helix formula, integrating the transfer of knowledge between science and business, supporting social initiatives, local government and administration, developing investor relations, says Marek Grzybowski and explains that today the cluster’s activity is characterized by a holistic, integrative and global approach, making the activity of maritime industries part of Economy 4.0. – We owe our position also to the close cooperation with the Space Science Commission of the Gdańsk Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 4 conferences on space and maritime technologies, maritime and space law, economics and social sciences are organized jointly every year.

The next meetings were planned to position the ideas and activities of students from the Tri-City University in the maritime and space business.