Vision of Development Forum – The importance of seaports for the economy

The importance of seaports for the economy was the subject of managers, experts and professors dealing with maritime logistics research.

Panel participants discussed how maritime transport and Polish ports contribute to the development of the Polish economy. The potential of Polish ports has increased significantly. Transshipments in Polish ports increased. After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, the importance of ports in ensuring energy and food security of the state has increased significantly.

Moderator: Michał Tuszyński – Expert of the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A.


Michał Graban – Lecturer at the University of Administration and Business in Gdynia, member of the local government
Marek Grzybowski – President of the Board of the Baltic Maritime and Space Cluster, Professor (ret) at the Gdynia Maritime University
Marek Świeczkowski – President of the North-South Logistics Cluster
Kamil Tarczewski – Vice-President of the Management Board, Director of Infrastructure at the Port of Gdansk S.A.
Jerzy Uziębło – Chairman of the Maritime Economy Team at the Ombudsman for Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurs
Adam Żołnowski – Financial Director, Vice-President of the Management Board of Baltic Hub Container Terminal Sp. z o. o.
