Ecomist Global Plastics Summit – Bangkok – October 11th-12th 2023

Global Plastics Summit 2023 is the largest gathering of delegates before INC-3 at a forum for multi-stakeholders to work collaboratively towards a robust UN plastics treaty.

Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Sukhumvit Alley 22, Khlong Tan, Khlong Toei, Bangkok, Thailand

The first Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC1) in 2022 for a UN global treaty to end plastic pollution was constructive but revealed ongoing opportunity gaps in an aspiring whole-of-life cycle plastics agreement. What happens off the negotiating table, as much as on, will determine the success of the treaty. An independent global forum under the Economist Impact banner,

Global Plastics Summit 2023 has been curated to build and sustain momentum for the UN plastics treaty, critically take stock of progress at the half-way stage, and offer a platform for diverse voices to be heard in pursuit of an ambitious treaty. Join the conversation in Bangkok on October 11th and 12th to create a progressive plastics treaty.

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Marine Plastic Pollution