Port Gdynia – Outer Port – a location decision

The Pomeranian Voivode has just announced the initiation of proceedings to issue a location decision.

Port Gdynia. Wojewoda wydał decyzję


The purpose of the construction of the Outer Port is to enable the handling of ocean-going container vessels with Baltmax parameters at the Port of Gdynia, i.e. up to 430 meters long, and up to 490 meters in perspective, up to 60 meters wide (up to about 70 meters) and with a draft of up to 15.5 meters. The first ships to the Outer Port in Gdynia should call at the turn of 2027 and 2028.
The Port of Gdynia Authority SA operates on the basis of a number of documents, among which the special act on investments in the construction of external ports should be distinguished. The act facilitates administrative procedures.

The project of construction of the Outer Port in the Port of Gdynia is at the last preparatory stage before the invitation to submit offers by potential Private Partners. Four entities participate in the competitive dialogue. The Outer Port will be constructed in the Public-Private Partnership formula.