Sustainable development in practice – how do Scandinavian companies operate in the Tricity?

By Marek Grzybowski

Sustainable development in practice – how do Scandinavian companies operate in the Tricity? is the topic of the meeting organized by Magdalena Pramfelt, President of the Polish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Honorary Consul General of Sweden.
Presentation “How are the greenest batteries in the world produced? Robert Chryc-Gawrychowski, president of Northvolt Poland, spoke about Northvolt and its activities in Gdańsk, Europe and North America. The company’s recruitment program was presented by HR director Tomasz Chrobak. Anna Sobolewska, communications director and PA of Northvolt Poland, spoke about activities in the field of corporate social responsibility.
The debate on Scandinavian business culture was attended by: Prarthana Jakoniak, Head of ESG & Statistical Reporting at Nordea, Marta Florin, Head Sales Manager at Stena Line and Robert Chryc-Gawrychowski. The debate was moderated by Magdalena Pramfelt, President of the Polish-Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Honorary Consul General of Sweden. Debate participants talked about Scandinavian-style business culture and sustainable development strategies.
The meeting ended with Networking.