Gdynia Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University – 40th anniversary of cooperation

On 2 December 2024, the 40th anniversary of cooperation between Gdynia Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University, a meeting was held between representatives of the two universities at GMU. Representing GMU were HM The Rector of Gdynia Maritime University, Professor Adam Weintrit; the Deputy Rector for Science, Dr Dariusz Barbucha; the Deputy Rector for Student Affairs and Education, Dr Sambor Guze; the Deputy Rector for Internationalisation, Cooperation and Development, Professor Tomasz Tarasiuk; and the Chancellor, Filip Malata. Representing Shanghai Maritime University at the meeting were Song Baoru, Chair of the Shanghai Maritime University Management Committee; Yany Dagang, Director of the Shanghai Maritime University Management Committee; Zhang Qiurong, Dean of the Merchant Marine College at Shanghai Maritime University; Liu Tao, Deputy Director of Development Planning and Quality Management at Shanghai Maritime University; and Ruan Wei, Director of the International Office & International Education College at Shanghai Maritime University.

The meeting aimed at summarising the cooperation to date between the two universities and to outline paths for further cooperation in the future. The guests and all those taking part were welcomed by HM The Rector, Professor Adam Weintrit, who highlighted the role and importance of the two universities as leading academic institutions of maritime education on the global stage.

Gdynia Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University are among the highest-ranked maritime universities in the world. This is, of course, a source of great pride. However, it is also an obligation to our students, as it is up to us to set new directions for the training of future maritime personnel!


HM The Rector also added:

I am very pleased to welcome representatives of Shanghai Maritime University to Gdynia Maritime University. During the past 40 years of our cooperation through staff and student exchanges, we have learnt a great deal from one another. For this, I am truly grateful. I trust that future years will see further strengthening of our relations, enabling us to enter into even closer cooperation.

During the meeting, an agreement was signed between the Gdynia Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University, which aims to deepen the cooperation between the Universities which began 40 years ago, through maintaining contacts, undertaking joint research projects in areas of interest to both parties and sharing experience concerning laboratory apparatus and the organisation of professional apprenticeships.

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