Port of Gdansk with record profit in 2024
By Marek Grzybowski
The Port of Gdansk Authority generated a record net profit, estimated at approximately PLN 264 million in 2024. Container, bulk and fuel terminals handled 3,559 sea-going merchant ships. 77.4 million tons of cargo were transhipped in the terminals, including liquid fuels pumped from ships in the amount of 40 million tons in 2024.
Liquid fuels were still the dominant cargo group in the Port of Gdańsk, with almost 40 million tonnes. For two years, transshipment of liquid fuels has been breaking records and accounts for 51 percent of all transshipment. General cargo is in second place, accounting for 30.2 percent of goods in the Port of Gdańsk. General cargo transshipment amounted to 23.4 million tonnes. Container operators, mainly the Baltic Hub Container Terminal, transshipped 21 million tonnes (2.25 million TEU). Coal was transshipped – 7.8 million tonnes (10.2 percent), other bulk cargo, e.g. aggregates or sulphur – 3.5 million tonnes (4.5 percent), grain – 2.9 million tonnes (3.7 percent).
– We have achieved a stable and sustainable financial and investment position, which has a measurable impact on the implementation of business strategies by our contractors and the results of the Port of Gdańsk – said Prof. Dorota Pyć, President of the Management Board, Port of Gdansk Authority.
– The financial situation of ZMPG S.A. should be assessed as very good. Financial liquidity has been maintained at a stable, rational level. Net sales profitability is estimated at almost 49%, also higher than last year – adds Alan Aleksandrowicz, Vice-President of the Port of Gdańsk for Finance and Security.
3,559 ships were handled (43 fewer than in 2023) in Gdańsk. The average GT in 2024 was 1.6 percent higher than in 2023 and amounted to 25,025. The terminals handled more tankers and ocean-going ships. 60 cruise ships called at the Port of Gdańsk in 2024 – 18 more than in 2023. Ferries called at the ferry terminal 293 times in 2024.
Port of Gdansk will end 2024 with a profit of approx. PLN 264 million According to preliminary data. This is a profit higher by PLN 51.7 million (24%) compared to 2023. The Port of Gdansk Authority achieved an increase in sales of services by almost 6% y/y. There were also lower operating costs by 3%.