Polish Register of Shipping – a key activity for innovation and safety

By Marek Grzybowski

The Polish Register of Shipping has signed a letter of intent with the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT). This is a key action for innovation and safety. The agreement was signed by the president of UDT, Dr. Eng. Paweł Urbańczyk and the president of PRS, Grzegorz Pettke. The cooperation between the institutions aims to work together to develop innovation, improve employee qualifications and ensure the highest technical safety standards.

The signed letter of intent initiates joint research work in the area of ​​safety of technical devices, implementation of innovative product, process and organizational solutions, improvement of qualifications of employees of both organizations through training and exchange of experiences, as well as performance of technical expertise in accordance with the competences of both parties.

UDT and PRS will jointly expand the customer base. Both institutions will actively work to increase local content in the offshore wind energy sector. PRS CEO Grzegorz Pettke emphasizes that as a company they want to be very accessible to their customers and meet their expectations. PRS will continue to develop human and technological resources.

More: GospodarkaMorska.pl