
Sea&Space Industry. Public-Private Partnership in Turbulent Times – 23rd June 2022 – Conference LINK

  23rd June 2022 Konferencjo LINK Space…

Poprawa dostępu do portu w Szczecinie w rejonie Kanału Dębickiego

W porcie Szczecin w Kanale Dębickim powstają dwa nowe…

Pomeranian Special Economic Zone with a record number of decisions on business support

The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone has already issued 62 support…

Baltic-Black Sea Economic Forum and Baltic Sea & Space Cluster – cooperation perspectives

Poland-Ukraine Project Manager of the Baltic-Black Sea Economic…

Wartsila B2B meeting with the Pomeranian Clusters & Maritime Business Representatives

Innvative technologies used in offshore and the logistic and transport cluster

Baltic Sea & Space Cluster B2B Meeting at the ASE Group

The meeting of the Baltic Sea & Space Cluster Members took place at the ASE Group on April 30 this year.