Gdynia Port railway station is modernized

Gdynia Port railway station is modernized. It’s almost a copy of the project in Zurich.

The work of replacing the tracks and installing modern control devices lasted 3 years. A new Gdynia Port railway station was built. Additional tracks and viaducts were built. They will facilitate the transport of goods and, if necessary, also people.

There are 30 tracks at the station. Each of the tracks has the length of the longest train, 750 meters. The tracks are connected by automatic systems – informed Andrzej Osipów – dyrektor Regionu Północnego Centrum Realizacji Inwestycji PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

There are solutions in Gdynia that are a copy of the solution from Zurich. There are multiple crossroads here. At the Gdynia Port station, several trains can move in different directions at the same time – said Leszek Lewiński – zastępca dyrektora Zakładu Linii Kolejowych w Gdyni PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe.

More: Gdynia Port railway station