Effective promoter of the Polish Maritime Industry and Space Technology

BALTIC SEA & SPACE CLUSTER (BSSC) is an effective promoter of the Polish Maritime Industry and Space Technology and utilizes Polish coastal location as a national treasure. Cluster acts as a partner and a participant in numerous endeavors regarding Polish maritime and space economy, including by creating it as an equivalent of the national and European intelligent specialization. Cluster also interacts in the International Ocean Governance programme.




Think Tank identifies trends in the global maritime economy and space technologies

THINK TANK is an initiative, which was established during the conference Maritime Policy and developed during a conference organized by the Commission of the Space Academy of Sciences in cooperation with research centers and business representatives at the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, the School of Business and Administration and the Naval Academy. Their aim was to analyze the implementation of the Polish maritime policy and the development of space technologies and to determine methods, actions and tools optimal use of the marine and aerospace scientific and industrial potential and the Polish position of our country in the Baltic Sea Region.


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