
The 4th workshop in the ShipZERO program, will be held at the IMO on 11, 12 September.

The IMO made climate change history by agreeing to net zero by 2050, with interim targets of 20-30% reductions compared to 2008 by 2030, and 70-80% by 2040.

Some will focus on how far we have to go. I prefer to do the maths around how far we’ve come as a global community.In 2017 we had no GHG emissions reductions ambitions, in 2018 we agreed to 50% compared to 2008 by 2050 and near zero by 2100.  Following the same equation, when we revisit the strategy in 2028 we can assume that 2040 will be 100% compared to 2008 and 2050 will be absolute zero emissions.

ZESTAs, as a consultative member of the IMO,  contributed to raising the level of ambition that will trigger significant investment .

The revised strategy is the perfect set up for our ShipZERO28 workshop this September.  Now, instead of fighting against the tide as we have done for so many years we have the wind in our sails.

Register your interest here to join us. 

ShipZERO28 is a call to action

ZESTAs is calling on the strong, the brave, the few, those who have the vision to see what needs to be done and the courage to do it, to go in first, and go in hard – all the way to absolute zero.

At ShipZERO28 we will dive in where all of shipping needs to get, preparing the field of action, from renewable energy, through ports, to on board systems, creating a channel to zero that will allow the bulk of the maritime industry to follow in our wake.

Three different shipowners will present their unique, and differing challenges. Our workshop will examine these challenges, looking at how a combination of solutions can bring their fleets to absolute zero.

Participants will be selected

This is an exclusive workshop for people who have the courage to go all the way to absolute zero, standing shoulder to shoulder, creating that absolute zero space – The space that humanity needs, that the planet needs – us all to get to. These are the people who we are calling on to join us at ShipZERO28: the sharp, whetted knife.

The time for action is now

“If we are to align with IPCC recommendations of 1.5, shipping needs to ‘come about’ !”

Currently we are on a course to breach 1.5 degrees of warming by 2027 (WMO). If we do not change our heading now we are bound for the wreckage of an unstoppable cascade of catastrophic climate feedback loops.

If you have the vision to see what needs to be done and the courage to do it, join us. The rest of shipping will follow in our wake.

Register your interest today to attend

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