Port Gdańsk – 7th Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation Forum
During a panel discussion “The Voice of Global Port and Shipping Development: Green Port and Shipping Construction” which was part of the 7th Forum Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation in Ningbo.
Port of Gdansk Authority representative Tomasz Braun, PhD emphasised that facing energy crisis caused by the war, put Port of Gdansk in front of double challenge: firstly, to provide constant deliveries of energy sources to the country, and secondly – to reconsider energy transformation, in which Port is an important part.
The unprecedented development of the Port of Gdansk during the last years lead the port authority to build such a strategy, in which it is not only a development of itself but also means smart and sustainable growth.
In his presentation during The 7th Forum Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation in #Ningbo, Michal Stupak presented logistic and infrastructural possibilities of a new transport corridor, that allows reloading goods in containers in the #Baltic Sea basin and hinterland of Port Gdansk – #Slovakia, #Czech, northern #Hungary and western #Ukraine.
🗺Port of Gdansk Authority with the LANGOWSKI LOGISTICS pariticipated in the Intermodal Asia 2023