Athens Institute for Education and Research Newsletter No. 26, October 2023


  • The Director of the Engineering Division of ATINER, Professor Bala Maheswaran (Northeastern University, USA), is spending part of his sabbatical at ATINER. During his stay, he is working on a project related to Generating Positive Contributions in the Field of Global Education.
  • A Special Issue on How National Media Covered the War in Ukraine was published in the Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications. The issue can be downloaded at:
  • From November 17 to 25, ATINER will host a Study Tour Program on ‘Education in Greece, the Impact of Historical and Cultural Contexts in collaboration with Georgia State University. The schedule is available at:
  • The sixth issue of the Greek Journal, Athenian Academic Periodical was uploaded on 28 October 2023. The issue can be downloaded here: The next issue will be uploaded on 25 March 2024. If you are interested in contributing, please send us a paper (10,000 words max), and/or a short note (3,000 words max) and/or a book review either in Greek or in English. In the latter case we will do the translation to Greek.

Publications Uploaded This Month

Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts
Athens Journal of Law
Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications
Athenian Academic Periodical
Forthcoming Papers

Forthcoming Conferences Organized by ATINER

ATINER is organized into 7 Divisions, 37 Units and 8 Centers. Each one organizes at least one annual academic event (conferences, symposiums, roundtable discussions etc.). All events are small academic gatherings as these are described in ATINER’s mission and policy.

Click here to see the list