Polish Register of Shipping Management is pleased to announce that on January 19 this year the Polish Register of Shipping received the Accreditation Certificate of Inspection Body No. AK 047. PRS has obtained authorizations accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation to perform inspections in the area of three European Union directives: 2013/53/EU on recreational craft (RCD), 2014/29/EU on simple tanks pressure equipment (SPV), and 2014/68/EU on pressure equipment (PED).

The received certificate results from the accreditation and audit process carried out at the Products and Persons Certification Bureau of the PRS Certification Division by PCA in November last year. The document confirms that PRS meets the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 standard as a Type A Inspection body – an organization completely independent of all interested parties. It means that we have the appropriate competence, resources, and personnel to carry out inspections in the scope mentioned above.

The PCA accreditation process was complex and included a review of the applicant’s documentation and an on-site assessment.

Congratulations to the team of the Products and Persons Certification Bureau on obtaining the competencies of an inspection body. Thank you for the effort and commitment to meet the PCA accreditation requirements and conditions for inspection bodies.