Knowledge transfer – Student, employee in maritime economy
On October 29, 2019, a seminar was held at the Baltic Port of New Technologies in Gdynia. The purpose of the meeting was to build relationships and combine science and business at the level of vocational education and to facilitate SME entrepreneurs, direct access to schools, and schools to establish cooperation with employers. The seminar participants and its purpose were presented by Magdalena Strzelczyk, Baltic New Technology Port.
What’s up in professional education? : changes, legal dimensions, financing, facilities for entrepreneurs were presented by Damian Orzeł, Pomeranian Special Economic Zone. Specialist profiles, owned laboratories, possibilities cooperation with entrepreneurs: were prezented by School Heads: Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego nr 1 w Gdyni (CKZiU1 Morskie), Zespół Szkół Chłodniczych i Elektronicznych w Gdyni, Zespół Szkół Ekologiczno-Transportowych w Gdyni. Then the entrepreneurs informed about educational needs as well as the possibilities and limitations of apprenticeships. Photo: Marek Grzybowski