Hydrogen Sector – Polish-Norwegian seminar during Nor-Shipping 2023
By Marek Grzybowski
The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in cooperation with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s office in Oslo and in Oslo has organized a seminar and an accompanying networking event during Nor-Shipping 2023.
– The aim of the event was to strengthen Polish-Norwegian cooperation in the hydrogen sector – informed dr Iwona Woicka-Żuławska, Ambassador, Embassy of the Polish Republic of Poland in Oslo.
An extensive presentation of the Polish hydrogen strategy was presented by Director Tomasz Jamróz, Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland.
Hydrogen Economy is collectively understood as: technologies of production, storage, distribution, and utilization of hydrogen and its derivatives in various sectors of economy. Poland is currently in 3rd position among European hydrogen producers, just behind Germany and the Netherlands with an annual production of approx. 1.3 million tons, but only a marginal share of hydrogen comes from renewable sources – informed Director Jamróz.
In the next 5 years the main objective for implementation of hydrogen in the Polish energy and heating sector is to support research and development in the field of co- and poly-generation systems for residential blocks, office buildings, small estates and public buildings using fuel cells and in the field of P2G and G2P systems – it is objective no 1st of the Polish hydrogen strategy until 2030 with an outlook until 2040. Objective 2 is to use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel for transport. Objective 2 is the use of low-carbon hydrogen will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy-intensive industries. Because currently, hydrogen is used in Poland primarily as a feedstock in the chemical, petrochemical and refining industries, and it is from these sectors that the majority of demand for low-
carbon hydrogen will come.
– Poland’s strategic goal for hydrogen production by 2030 is to provide the conditions for launching hydrogen production facilities from low- and zero-emission sources – informed Tomasz Jamróz. For the harmonious development of a hydrogen-based economy, it is necessary to deliver hydrogen
efficiently from the production site to the end user and to store it safely. Creation of a stable regulatory environment is a priority for the Polish Government and administration. It is necessary to create regulations that will remove barriers to the development of the hydrogen market and encourage a gradual increase in the use of RES for electrolysis.
The presentation of the Norwegian hydrogen strategy was presented by Tanja Erichsen, Senior Business Development Manager, Agder H2 Cluster.
The Norwegian government plans to build a comprehensive value chain within hydrogen, in which production, distribution and are developed in parallel. The establishment of a state-run hydrogen company is also being considered – informed Tanja Erichsen.
Agder, or more specifically Kristiansand, was recently designated by Enova as one of five national hubs for hydrogen for maritime transportation. Almost simultaneously, GCE NODE and partners were granted funds for a new 3-year project aimed to further develop the hydrogen industry in Agder.
In late June, Enova granted NOK 148 million to Greenstat and Everfuel in Kristiansand to produce and sell compressed hydrogen to ships and heavy transportation. By doing so, Kristiansand was designated as one of five national hubs for the supply of hydrogen to maritime transportation. The other four hubs are in Glomfjord, Rørvik, Hitra and Florø.
The Agder Hydrogen project steering committee includes Kai Johansen (Glencore Nikkelverk), Svein Are Folgerø (Agder Energi), Gunstein Skomedal (University of Agder), Torstein Thorsen Ekern (Greenstat), Ola Olsbu (Agder County) and Geir A. Haugum (Business Region Kristiansand). Tom Fidjeland, CEO of GCE NODE is a head of the Agder H2 Cluster team.
Project partners also include Elkem, NORCE, Kristiansand Chamber of Commerce, Region Kristiansand, Port of Kristiansand, Global Ocean Technology and Umoe Advanced Composite. The project is funded by Sørlandets Kompetansefond.
Polish companies presented their activity in the implementation of the Polish hydrogen policy. The panel presented the activities of Equinor, Gaz System, Institute of Power Engineering. PESA presented a hydrogen locomotive, and PKN ORLEN presented hydrogen projects carried out in the branches of the Orlen group.
The meeting was prepared by Joanna Irzabek and Martalena Eriksen from the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s office in Oslo.