PARP: Zero-emission technologies in maritime economy conference – Baltexpo 2023
The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and Innovation Norway invite you to participate in the: „Zero-emission technologies in the maritime economy” event and business mixer with Norwegian companies during the largest maritime fair in Central and Eastern Europe: Baltexpo 2023 in Gdańsk.
The event will take place on October 11, 2023, from 11:30 to 20:30 and it is addressed to companies that have an idea for a joint business venture with a Norwegian partner in the following areas:
- offshore industry, offshore energy, wind energy, offshore wind farms,
- innovative products, services and solutions, including digital technologies for marinas, ports and sailing centres,
- modern infrastructure, water and coastal construction, development of water reservoirs,
- environmentally neutral processes of production, construction, repair of yachts and boats, and production of equipment and devices.
Program 11.10.2023
11:00 – 11:30 Rejestracja i powitalna kawa / Registration, welcome coffee
11:30 – 11:45 Słowo wstępu / Welcome and foreword by:
- Øystein Bø, Ambasador Królestwa Norwegii w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the Republic of Poland
- Michał Polański, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości / Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
- Magnar Ødelien, Innovation Norway / Innovation Norway
11:45 – 12:15 Sesja seminaryjna (część 1): MORSKA ENERGETYKA WIATROWA / Seminar session (part 1): OFFSHORE WIND
Norwegia i Polska – wspólna droga ku morskiej energetyce wiatrowej / Norway and Poland – a common pathway towards offshore wind
- Christian Vinstrup, Norwegian Offshore Wind
12:15 – 12:45 Energetyka zwraca się w kierunku morza / Electricity generation turns towards offshore
- Mariusz Kowalewski,, Polskie Forum Technologii Morskich;, Polish Maritime Technology Forum
12:45 – 13:15 Kształcenie kadr dla branży morskiej energetyki wiatrowej / Staff training for the offshore wind industry
- Dariusz Jellonnek, Polski Związek Przedsiębiorców Żeglugowych / Polish Shipping Companies Association
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch
14:15 – 15:45 Transport do Gdyni / Transport to Gdynia
16:00 – 16:30 Sesja seminaryjna (część 2): ZEROEMISYJNA GOSPODARKA MORSKA / Seminar session (part 2): ZERO-EMISSION BLUE ECONOMY
Prezentacje na pokładzie statku podczas wizyty studyjnej w porcie Gdynia / Presentations onboard the vessel during the study trip in the Port of Gdynia:
Polski Klaster Morski – działania na rzecz zielonej transformacji: produkcja, usługi, nauka i edukacja morska na rzecz zielonej gospodarki / Polish Maritime Cluster – activities for the green transformation: production, services, science and maritime education for a green economy
- Marek Grzybowski, Bałtycki Klaster Morski i Kosmiczny / Baltic Sea & Space Cluster
16:30 – 17:00 Inwestycje proekologiczne w portach trójmiejskich / Pro-environmental investments in Tri-City ports
- Żaneta Milewska, Port Gdańsk / Port of Gdańsk Authority
17:30 – 20:30 Sesja kooperacyjna (część 3) / Business mixer session (part 3)
Business mixer na pokładzie statku i w restauracji Mondo di Vinegre w Gdyni / Business mixer onboard the vessel and at the Mondo di Vinegre restaurant in Gdynia.
20:30 – 20:30 Transport do Gdańska / Transport to Gdańsk
What will distinguish our event from others on similar topics is the fact that it will be interactive:
- after the first part of the seminar, which will take place in Gdańsk at the Baltexpo fair, on the topic of the offshore industry and offshore energy, we will take you to Gdynia for a study trip around the Port of Gdynia on the deck of the ship,
- it is also where the second part of the event will be held, dedicated to the topic of zero-emission ships and modern water infrastructure,
- the third part of the event is a business mixer session with Norwegian companies and a dinner at the Emigration Museum in Gdynia.
Participation in the entire event is free, the order of applications applies. The condition for participation in the event is to receive an e-mail confirmation from the organizers. Priority to participate in the event, including the cruise and dinner, will be given to people who have signed up for the entire program of the event and will be present during the seminar held at the Baltexpo fair. To enter the Baltexpo fair, you need a ticket, which you purchase on your own.
The official languages of the event are Polish and English.
The number of places for the seminar, port tour and dinner is limited.
If you are interested, please register by October 6, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Justyna Kizlich +48 22 432 88 47
Artur Janusz +48 22 432 88 08
Inicjatywa jest finansowana ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego i Mechanizmu Finansowego Europejskiego Obszar Gospodarczego na lata 2014-2021.
This bilateral initiative is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism / European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021
List of companies for business mixer meetings 11.10.2023