Łukasz Greinke is the new chairman of the Port of Gdansk Stakeholders Council

By Marek Grzybowski

Łukasz Greinke was elected the new chairman of the Port of Gdansk Stakeholders Council on October 19 this year, having previously held the position of port president in the years 2016-2023.

Adam Żołnowski, member of the management board – financial director of Baltic Hub Container Terminal, and Jacek Dubicki, vice-president of the management board, were unanimously appointed to the management board of the Port Stakeholders Council.

-We are the Port of Gdansk team. Among us there are port operators, forwarders, carriers, logistics companies, companies responsible for the quality verification process, maritime and customs agencies, as well as all other entities operating in the port area. A team is unity, it is responsibility – says Łukasz Greinke, chairman of the Port of Gdansk Stakeholders Council.

The Port Stakeholders Council is an advisory body to the Port of Gdansk Authority. The members of the Council are entrepreneurs operating in the Port of Gdansk. The Stakeholder Council represents the interests of port operators providing transhipment services. The Council consists of managers of companies operating in the port and providing services supporting the activities of companies in the port.
The mission of the Council is to create optimal conditions for conducting business activities in the port area. The Port Stakeholders Council takes part in the process of preparing legal acts regarding maritime economy. The Council actively promotes the activities of port operators and companies operating in the port area.

We are aware that we are playing for one goal. We will take care of a good investment climate to strengthen the role of entities investing in the port through the stability and durability of their investments. We want not only to involve the Port Authority in investments that are carried out by private entities in the port area, but also to clearly emphasize the importance of the entities we represent and their employees in the success for which the entire team works – says Łukasz Greinke, chairman of the Port of Gdansk Stakeholders Council.

More: GospodarkaMorska.pl