Port of Gdynia – 2023 of dynamic development year
By Marek Grzybowski
Increase in transhipment y/y 5%. The Port of Gdynia recorded an increase in transshipment of 7.88% in the first half of 2023. The Port of Gdynia recorded an increase in fuel transshipment by 777.7 thousand. tons in the first half of 2023. This represents an increase of 81% compared to the first half of 2022. The Port of Gdynia was visited by almost 90,000 passengers on 36 cruise ships in 2023.
The highest dynamics in grain transshipment. For the construction of new breakwaters for the Port of Gdynia, the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. received financing from the State Treasury budget. Almost 2.5 km of breakwaters will be designed and built.
Reconstruction of the Helskie Quay is being carried out over a length of 800 meters. Hydrotechnical and construction works are performed by the DORACO Construction Corporation.
The Southern Quay II, Western Quay I and Pier II will be rebuilt. A new turntable will be built inside the port. The turntable will be used by ships 400 meters long. The Indian Quay is being rebuilt. The quay will be widened and strengthened to 6 meters. at a length of approximately 540 meters.
“Construction of a dock recess and relocation of a floating dock along with accompanying works” will be performed by NDI SA and NDI SOPOT SA. The investment value is PLN 82.8 million.