GALATEA project – a great success of the internationalization in the development of ocean innovations

The GALATEA’s Guide for Funding presents funding opportunities for SMEs on GALATEA topics (smart port,smart shipyard, smart ship, maritime surveillance) in Europe and in the Consortiummembers countries, (Spain, France, Romania, Greece and Poland). For Spain and France there are also regional funding opportunities. Access the guide here.


GALATEA project has come to an end. After three years, the GALATEA team is proud to deliver impactful results:

  • 23 innovative projects involving 42 SMEs from 5 different EU countries have been directly supported. It represents more than 2.21 M € distributed. A description of all funded project can be found in the GALATEA catalogue;
  • 49 coaching services have been provided to 30 SMEs to get support on business model elaboration, technology expertise, internationalisation or funding opportunities;
  • 4 workshops have been conducted on hot business topics, such as internationalization in support of innovation, business model elaboration, branding and communication and how to pitch your business/idea and has involved 59 SMEs;
  • A guide for funding opportunities have been realised to offer to SMEs a broaden vision of funding opportunities at the European, national and regional level.

Many more activities have been implemented within the project lifetime, conducting to matchmaking of stakeholders, European visibilityand innovation towards a more digital and greener maritime economy. The GALATEA team wishes good luck to all in the development of new solutions for the maritime sector.


The GALATEA final event took place on March 7th and 8th 2023 in Marseille, France.

The objective of the event was to present the GALATEA project’s, showcase the 42 SMEs and 23 projects supported in front of investors and end-users that could potentially be interested in the solutions developed and give the supported SMEs the opportunity to get informed on new public and private funding opportunities and to meet potential partners.

The first day of the GALATEA Final Event conferences and Business to Business(B2B) meetings took place and a networking cocktail was organised in the evening.The event gathered 61 participants and 68 meetings wererealised.

After a welcoming speech, a session was dedicated to GALATEA results, presenting the designed mechanism, the partners behind and the figures.All along the conference session, panel discussions for each GALATEA targeted topics were organised. The round tables aimed to give the floor to the supported SMEs and to question the end-users on the adequacy between the developed solutions, the markets and the technological challenges.

The first was the Smart Port session, moderated by Leire Balzategui from the Basque Mobility and Logistics Cluster.

Julia Coppla from Bilbao PortLab highlighted the relevance of Cascade Funding to boost the development of start-ups and innovative projects that facilitate the transition to smarter, more agile, and sustainable ports. Additionally, she talked about the importance of measuring to improvethe strategies and establish roadmaps that encourages innovation and growth.

The project CORAL, presented by Marta Wenta from SeaData, created a comprehensive product that digitizes the data management of small and medium ports. They will soon implement the system in a Polish port and establish a growth strategy that will include additional funding.

Javier Sanchez from ZeniaLabs introduced the SMINTIME project. They designed a mobile and automated solution for elimination of inefficiencies and inaccuracies in the inspection process of maritime TEU containers. The next steps of the project are to broaden the interest in the solution, achieve higher TRLs and increase the application in other ports.

George Serban from GS Data presented the ABAMS project. They generated a data authentication tool for infrastructure maintenance, image validation and cloud storage. Next, they will work on the development of a commercial product and the adoption of blockchain for digital notarized documents.

The DTA4IP project, introduced by Samuel Sevillano from Izurun, created a cloud platform for monitoring, management and life cycle calculation of intralogistics assets. The next step is to grow in the Romanian market by offering the service to different end users.

Ioannis Kostopulos from Sammy presented the NAUSEA project tool for real-time monitoring of berth occupancy and analysis of maritime traffic in ports. They will keep improving and validating the digital service while trying to commercialize it to potential customers.

The second one was the Smart Ship and Smart Shipyard session, moderated by Andreea Apostu from the Cluj IT Cluster, Romania.

This session brought together 4 of the 10 funded projects with the aim of developing innovative digital solutions for the maritime ecosystem, with a focus on the 2 fields.

The project COMPODEEP, represented by Mr. Yves-Henri Grunevald from CES Works aimed to pre-validate the design of a kit of standardized structural elements in composite materials allowing the vehicles’ infrastructure to be made / modified / replaced, onboard.

The project H2AIR, represented by Ms. Lenna Gwiss from NepTech aimed at enhancing the operational performances (speed and range) of hydrogen-powered passenger vessels thanks to a breakthrough air-injection system.

The project HECTOR, represented by Mr. Christos Skliros from Hellenic Drones S.A. created the first-ever fully autonomous solution for inspections of ship confined spaces relying on a drone that collects visual and ultrasonic data.

The project PYCHARGE, represented by Mr. FrédericMosca from PYTHEAS Technology developed a docking and recharge station for AUVs using marine current.

At the same time, at the opening of the session, Mr. Mihai Rusescu, representative of DP WORLD from the Port of Constanța, gave a presentation on the challenges of the maritime field and future development perspectives in the context of technological progress, respectively the digital transformation process.

The third panel session was focused on Maritime Surveillance, moderated by Diego Carballo from Aerospace Valley.

The relevance of the GALATEA maritime surveillance services was highlighted. The beneficiaries answered to two types, on one side providing search and rescue solutions and on the other fighting against sea pollution.

The project SEAiGRASS, represented by Pau Guasch from GPASEABOTS, worked with Planetek Hellas on an automated data collection system over large maritime areas using a small-format USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle). Through a recognition of plant species algorithm, they are able to determine seagrass excess. The next step for them is to prepare the commercialization of their product with future clients.

On the same thematic, Rémy Mokhtari from Aguila Technologies presented the SUIPOL project. In collaboration with InkoaSistemas, they designed a system to detect algae and support fishermen in the mitigation of abnormal pollution. The next step for them is the full integration of satellite data in their product in order to boost the current impact.

Olivier Normand from KITEWINDER did a presentation of the KITEWINDER project, developed along with AKEROS and ACR Systems. With the aim of improving search and rescue current processes, they developed a kite-pulled device destined for ships able to carry specialised payloads (wind turbines, infrared cameras, air quality sensors). They are now working on the commercialization strategy of the product.

At the conclusion of the panel session, it was asked to the SMEs to sum up the GALATEA experience in one word. “Fast” was the choice of Pau Guasch, “Opportunity” was chosen by Remy Mokhtari and “Discover” by Olivier Normand. A “Fast opportunity to discover“, a motto that sums up the GALATEA opportunity.

The Grand Port Maritime of Marseille(GPMM) visit took place on March 8th, 2023, morning on the second day of the event. This visit allowed the participants to acquire a good knowledge of what the GPMM is and what the challenges of such a port are. The visit gathered 22 participantswho enjoyed the explanations given by expert staff during the boat tour.


GALATEA final event has been the occasion for the supported SMEs to meet with investors and benefit from their advice. The objective was to propose tools and solutions to sustain their projects and businesses. 3 speakers have been able to present directly some private funding opportunities and support within the conference’s session: Mer Angels, BlueInvest and SWEN Capital.

About Mer Angels

Mer Angels is a Business Angels network bringing together entrepreneurs and investors in the French Blue Economy sector. Since 2019, Mer Angels invested €2 million   in start-ups. In general, investments by Business Angels are made at a relatively advanced stage, namely at the company creation stage, and range from 100 thousand to 1.5 million euros. By being part of a group and not an investment fund, Business Angels provide not only financial resources but also expertise and a network to support and accompany the growth of these innovative start-ups. During the GALATEA final event, it’s this expertise aspect of Business Angels that has been showcased through a presentationon tips and advice for pitching to Business Angels.

More information here.

About Blue Invest

BlueInvest is a platform enabled by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)  with the aim to facilitate access to finance and support investment readiness for early-stage businesses, SMEs and scale ups in the blue economy

The platform offers different types of support:

  • Supports investment readiness and access to finance;
  • Provides a market path;
  • Guides investors to specialize their investment strategies;
  • Fosters a community and investment ecosystem.

GALATEA’s final event have been the occasion for participants to discover this very complete mechanism and the different tools the platform offers (events, coaching programmes, funding and networking opportunities).

More information here.

About SWEN Capital Partners

SWEN Capital Partners is a full-service platform for responsible investing in Private Markets with over €6.7 billion of assets under management and/or advice in Europe.

The platform offers:

  • A wide range of investment programmes;
  • An expertise in portfolio monitoring and follow-up.

The objective of SWEN Capital Partners’ intervention at the GALATEA final event was to present one of their investment programmes: SWEN Blue Ocean. This impact venture capital fund is dedicated to ocean health in scientific partnership with Ifremer. The Funds aims to invest in solutions that have the potential to deliver systemic impact and competitive market returns.

It focuses in particular on the 3 main threats to the ocean:

  • Ocean overexploitation;
  • Ocean pollution;
  • Climate change.

For now, SWEN Blue Ocean co-funded 1000 Ocean Start-ups.

More information here.


The GALATEA’s Guide for Funding presents funding opportunities for SMEs on GALATEA topics (smart port,smart shipyard, smart ship, maritime surveillance) in Europe and in the Consortiummembers countries, (Spain, France, Romania, Greece and Poland). For Spain and France there are also regional funding opportunities.

Access the guide here.