Sea & Space Conference – legal challenges and security aspects of the suborbital flights
The online conference on suborbital space took place on September…

Finalists of the 2023 Humans In Space Challenge!
We are thrilled to present the finalists of the 2023…

IMO World Maritime 2023: “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”
World Maritime Day 2023
The World Maritime Day 2023 takes place…

“Dar Młodzieży” on the equator
"Dar Młodzieży" frigate of the Maritime University…

Radio Gdańsk – Experts talk about the development of the maritime industry
It is the anniversary of the opening of the shipping canal…

The Polish OKRĘTOWE FORUM is 30 years old
The FORUM OKRĘTOWE Employers' Association, founded in…

Demand for alternative fuels is growing in ports
By Marek Grzybowski
Lower LNG prices resulted in greater…

Cruisers on the green course. Passenger fleets are becoming more ecological
By Marek Grzybowski
Passenger ship owners are ordering…

Ladies in the ocean business. WISTA Poland is 30 years old
By Marek Grzybowski
The ladies belonging to WISTA…

Prezes Krzysztof Urbaś: Porty w Szczecinie i Świnoujściu to dziś wielkie place budowy
Rozmowa z Krzysztofem Urbasiem, prezesem Zarządu Morskich…