CRIST and StoGda winners of the CEMT award
FinFerries, CRIST shipyard and StoGda Ship Design & Engineering design office have won the CEMT 2018 award.

POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH is the scientific journal with a worldwide circulation. This journal is published quarterly (four times a year) by Gdansk University of Technology (GUT).

Plenarna Sesja członków Komitetu Badań Morza PAN – MIR Gdynia
VIII Plenary Session of the members of the Sea Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences took place at the headquarters of the Maritime Institute of Fisheries in Gdynia on June 19, 2019. The session was led by prof. dr hab. Eng. Janusz Pempkowiak, chairman of the Sea Research Committee PAS.

SeaTech Conference in Gdańsk
SeaTech Conference was held in Gdańsk in the STARTER Incubator…

The IMPEL CYBER engineers have explained the essence of threats to companies resulting from cyber attacks on companies' internet networks and managers and employees unsecured computers.

UMBRELLA 3rd Participation Day
Almost 100 participants from Baltic Sea Region NGOs, academia, municipalities and various transnational projects joined us on 11th June 2019 in Gdansk to take part in 3rd Participation Day.

Circular and sharing economy in the Baltic Sea Region
‘Circular and sharing economy as an answer to demographic changes and environmental challenges in the Baltic Sea Region.' was the main topic of the 10th Annual Forum in Gdańsk, 12-13 June, 2019.

Clean Shipping Technologies
ECOPRODIGI’s policy seminar Carrots or sticks – what measures are needed to foster the implementation of clean shipping technologies?

University of Gdańsk and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants cooperation
Signing of the Letter of Intent between the University of Gdańsk…

The Port of Gdansk with an innovative system in Munich Transport Logistic 2019
The Port of Gdansk Authority is taking part in Transport Logistic 2019 in Munich. During the event, the Port of Gdansk announced cooperation with the Port of Rotterdam in the area of the system of searching transport connections for clients.