It will take 100 years to replace ships with units using alternative fuel technologies
For several years, the global merchant fleet has been growing…
Coal on the wave. How to earn on something that is a lot?
In January-August 2022, global coal transport by sea increased…
ASE Technology Group at the Wind Energy Hamburg Fair
ASE Technology Group at the Wind Energy Hamburg fair. This…
„ORP Błyskawica. Wierny okręt” – nowy album
Nieznane szerzej ciekawostki i wydobyte z głębokich archiwów…
TransNav 2023 – 15th Jubilee International Conference on “Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation”
It is our great pleasure to invite you to take part in 15th…
PRS – Remontowa Shipbuilding – delivery of Certificate documents
The official handover of the documents: Class and Convention…
Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General of the European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO)
Seaports will play an equally important role in the production,…
Opening of the Baltic Sea – Vistula Spit shipping canal
Polish President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister of the…
Offshore Center of the Gdynia Maritime University
Gdynia Maritime University has signed a contract with PGE…
B2B BSSC Memebrs Meeting in CTO – modern, multidisciplinary research and design centre
CTO from Gdańsk - a research center that improves not only…